The adventurer

By lunchtime the cloud had gone and in the sun it was pleasant. Jasper inspected the one fence line he can access via my bins.

Today he dropped into another courtyard but this one had no way for a small furry adventurer to scale the fences again. He's not big enough or strong enough to jump onto the kitchen bench or island yet so it's not surprising that he couldn't get out again.

For one so small he can make a lot of noise!

After many attempts at jumping and trying to scrape his way up the fence, I rescued him. I walked around to the next street where the house is but they were out. Fortunately when I called him Jasper came to the side entrance and soon worked out he could squeeze under the gate.

I carried him home and thus ended Jasper's outdoor adventures for the day :-)

Today's gratitude: For feeling the sun on my back as I rested this afternoon.

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