Enter at your Peril

A moth that was unfortunate enough to take the wrong turning in a house with a slattern of a housewife - namely me.
It’s only with the advent of a string of visitors over the next fortnight that I felt obliged to clean some of the 18 very deep window ledges which are home, particularly in my space, to much ‘stuff’.

This poor thing was accompanied in its mortuary space with two equally dead flies. They were all hidden behind my fleet of scaled tractors and my tuk tuk model from India, not to mention a decorated wooden box bought last year at the Meadows Festival which is yet to have a purpose other than hiding dead insects.

Apart from notebooks and pencils, (and perhaps tractors) I also have a penchant for boxes, and in fact any container with a lid. Perhaps on a bad inspiration day my collection might feature on these pages. Having relieved myself of much ‘stuff’ when we moved to the Dower House, I find that my collecting of nicknacks has come full circle but with less space for storage.
Dear Agony Aunt, I fear I have somewhat of a problem ..........

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