
By Naturelover

Sassy the Squirrel on Sub Sunday

"Hey, all you wonderful people in blip world...I'm Sassy, and I want to introduce those of you who haven't met him yet to outdoorguy! He's the dude who told Naturelover about this site, and his photos are FANTASTIC!"

"But you're really missing out if you don't read his words...he has a one-of-a -kind sense of humor and he LOVES puns."

"Part of each year he sends the most incredible bird photos to us from Florida, and he is a big fan of me and my fact, I happen to be his favorite animal. What's not to love about this guy???"

"Anyway, you really need to check him out, and if you don't, I'll find your house and start nibbling on your wiring..................just kidding. Try him, you'll like him!"

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