Virtual reality

We had to leave home st 6.30 to get to town to childmind so that #3 daughter could go on inset. They got their own breakfast - they take turns at getting the cereal out and setting the table. After they had done a birthday card for their dad’s half sister they played with Lego in their rooms till it was time to go on the metro.

As part of the Great Exhibition of the north, Newcastle University had a pop up hospital. Thomas had been with his dad and they said it was good. Ella and Nathaniel had a great time, bandaging, walking with crutches, moving bones about wearing special goggles, and playing doctors.

Mr C had to take Nathaniel home as he was very tired, but Ella wanted to stay. She went round reading all the displays, and asking lots of questions. The staff said she had the makings of a doctor because she has a curious mind!

We went to M & S to buy some boxes of sushi for a treat for Nathaniel , but when we got home he was asleep and very hot. I hope he’s not going to be ill for his first day of school.

His dad got up from his sleep after nights and we left him to it. We had a nap too when we got back.

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