Mainsgill 2, The Return

Left Edinburgh 9.50am, arrived Bearsted 20.30, 450 miles later, some 8 hours 10 minutes driving and over 2 hours stops, one for which was for refuelling humans at Mainsgill Farm. Atrocious weather until we got south of Doncaster, cold too at 11c. Much warmer here, 20c when we stepped out of the car.

Everything unpacked and put away at both houses, ready to relax for a few minutes before bed.

Granddaughter Miya started secondary school today. Her dad sent me the obligatory photo of her standing in her new uniform ready to go. Where has that time gone? She’s attending the school where I taught between 1991 and 1995, so hopefully none of her teachers will remember me and give her a hard time.

The new term and new school year put me in mind of all the times I started back after the summer holidays. Like the Big Bang, there are the vestiges of those days at the start of a new school year that still echo around. Isn’t it wonderful!

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