By AMK81


"If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete"

Now I know this already. I've read books on compassion, it's part of mindfulness to be kind to yourself and to be compassionate to yourself and others. But sometimes I do need a gentle reminder!

I currently live with my parents - long story - and they went away for two weeks leaving me to fend for myself. Apparently when left to my own devices I think I can take on the world. I can't. I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I think I need someone to remind me of this regularly! And to be kind to myself. To take breaks, include rest periods in my day. Don't take on too much. Give myself a time limit for physical or mental activity. Pace myself...

I started with a virus last week too. Which means I should have been taking even more care. I did manage to eat ok, to rest and even to pace a little. Not been on social media much (hence the silence on here). But I beat myself up for needing to rest! I got frustrated & angry.

But thankfully I realised what was happening. I did some compassion meditations. Tried to refocus on being kind to myself.

Though as always I did end up taking on a bit much again when I decided to start a blog site over the weekend! ( for anyone that's interested). The focus of my most recent entry will be familiar!

The self-compassion, pacing etc is definitely an ongoing learning curve!

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