Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Beginning the end

I dug around and found my big magnifying glass that attaches to the end table by my chair. It was exactly where I put it all those years ago so that I would remember where it was..lots of clean out was done to find it as I could not remember where it was!  

 I can see the tiny designs on the pattern on this sampler now when I have on the 1.5+ magnifying readers as well as the tiny squares of the fabric!   The combination works well.   Progress!    Of course if I glance up to see the TV or my is all blurry!  I have to take the readers off!  

Progress being made to finish this sampler that I posted a few weeks ago.   I have been trying to work an hour a day. Some days I have no time as I get caught up in a book or other things.  Getting started was hard as I had to find the best place for the pattern to sit and for me to have the light over my shoulder.    But it is coming along.   I should have this little horse done soon and then on to the border around it.  Major sewing!   

I am not sure how long it will take as I still have half of the pattern to do. Slowly and surely it will get done.  

Thanks Deb for hosting tiny tuesday!  

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