A downtown university

Yet another unapologetic entry in the series of #anotherdayanotheruniversitycampus. Singapore Management University isn't a campus university, but the fact that the Singapore National Parks board is pedestrianising the part of Armenian Street on which the Law School is located and turning it into a park/garden will considerably improve the environment of this city centre location, for the benefit of staff, students, and visitors alike. Armenian street has some great original buildings in it, as is just about evident from the reflections.

Anyway, having negotiated the draconian security restrictions applicable to entering the building, I gave a seminar to a group of staff who constituted a small but perfectly formed audience. The preparation of a powerpoint and the act of presenting resulted in my really starting to think through what I'm trying to say with this paper-in-the-making and the conversation and Q&A was excellent. It was definitely a worthwhile excursion, although as I've said once or twice before, I am getting a bit fed up of the sound of my own voice.

Later on, after I'd had a swim, we had a couple of cocktails in the hotel bar (it would be rude not to...), and then we went to Open Farm Community in Dempsey for dinner with L and L. Nice atmosphere, surprisingly verdant location, pretty good food, but slightly problematic wine.

Another very interesting day completed in Singapore - a city of which I am surprisingly fond, given how sweaty it is ;-) (although actually it wasn't that sweaty today).

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