Piled high

Arachne wrote about dockless bikes yesterday, noting the likely oversupply of such bikes in Oxford and their impact on other road users. They are present in quite large numbers in Singapore - apparently encouraged by the government who wanted to persuade people that city cycling is possible despite the fact that it is obviously very hot and humid here. In quite un-Singaporean style you find them in many odd corners, often piled high. It does seem that the dockless principle encourages a certain amount of anti-social behaviour even in places as organised as Singapore. Equally, you don't see all that many of them actually being ridden - well certainly not in the centre of the city. Maybe further afield.


They supplied an acceptable blip on a day of absolutely rubbish weather. I headed out to NUS again quite early, in order to meet a rather serious scholar for an interesting chat. Thereafter I presented my own work, and got some excellent questions and interactions. I headed back into town, after taking advantage of the rather unreliable NUS shuttle bus to get to the MRT, and went for a massage. Another Jessey - but this time a female one. It really helps.

Back to the hotel, we hopped in a taxi and headed round to L and L's place where we are staying for the weekend. The three of us headed out to see Crazy Rich Asians, leaving Mr A to enjoy a quiet evening... Not his scene. I found it adequately diverting.

Last weekend away.

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