
By NellieD

The land of what-ifs!

A late post today but uploaded just before midnight!

Unfortunately I've not had any time to post today. I was off work this afternoon to pick up my niece from school as my brother-in-law was having a pretty big operation. Scrabble, jigsaws and reading books for about 5 hours straight with his daughter was certainly more tiring than being at work in the office! 

The operation went well but as a worrier, I live in that awful land of 'What If's', a place where the worry beasts are constantly on patrol and continually tap you on your shoulder to suggest all possible outcomes to a situation - whether they exist or not. 

As I was driving home, I saw this sculpture and it felt like a visual representation of that beast - the monster that I need to grab by the horns and grapple to the ground! 

Quote for today:
I have spent most of my life worrying about things that have never happened.
- Mark Twain

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