Capital adventures

By marchmont

The Thirteen

The 'gang' - well we would have been 14 but Chuck decided not to play. Of course I'm not in it either and the Middleton girls and Dave left yesterday. With a bit more time I'd have fiddled with my timer and got me in the shot too, but maybe life's too short.

I did not sleep well (that late meal last night) but those of us left in the Prince Consort had a leisurely breakfast before heading up the road.

After this sunny photcall 11 of us (plus me but minus the Trails and the Andersons who were heading back to Gatwick) walked to Hamble through the Victoria Country Park. By the time we got there walking was not something I was enjoying - the back was gibing out as was the right leg. But a reviving drink and a taxi back solved that - that goodness for smartphones though.

And then, after a bit of manoeuvering of cars, it was time for the 3 who were flying from Southampton to leave and that leaves 8.

The sun was setting as we took off and got to Edinburgh 15 minutes early. Unfortunately it took another 30 minutes for the bags to appear.

So home again with Molly pleased to see me, purring contentedly, and a quick visit from #2 son to return the Dyson. A good 3 days.

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