Capital adventures

By marchmont

The winning team

Day 2 of the birthday week-end. I sidestepped the 'full English' this morning, opting for a boiled egg, or 3.

Then after a hiatus (while 'the boys' watched football) it was off to Southampton in the bus to see 'Soul Sister', the Tina Turner story. It was good, better then I expected. very high energy and thank goodness they didn't do 'Nutbush City limits' - I was dreading that. So memories of the newly engaged me 36+ years ago were not resurrected.

Then to the bowling, except we managed to leave G behind. You know we are not safe to be let out alone! I don't bowl. I don't enjoy it after a particularly scarring experience with the Grampian education Sports and Social Club but I watched, supported and got the drinks in and anyway it meant for 3 teams of 5.

The winning team won by a mile, but they were very competitive. And well done to K and C who both got strikes.

Then to dinner. It was late - too late and although the company was good having to wait over a hour for the starter wasn't. Almost 3 hours to serve 2 courses isn't goo and the shemozzle over the bill is better glossed over.

But I managed my bed before midnight, I think.

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