
By dreaming


The resident of this apartment has put up yet another pretty display to welcome the new season, so I thought I would share it with you.  She takes such care with each one.

We had a lot of students at the library today, due to the poor weather and the fact that school starting is in the air.  My Turkish student was there - he's come regularly since we worked together that first time - but I worked with Thanh today.  We read two articles from the Seattle Times, the first about the life terms of Supreme Court Justices and the second about something with no political overtones whatsoever - a new trend giving workers paid time off to spend with new dogs and cats they've just brought home!  This was the first I've heard of that, which frankly seems pretty far out to me.  Here we are in a country that doesn't want to let people have paid leave to look after sick relatives or new human babies, but some people get time off to welcome a new dog?

Thanh's two older daughters have finished their first week of school, and both have passed an exam which means that they will not need to have any more specialized training in  English.  He would prefer to have that continue for a while longer, but it's not his call.  He was very proud to tell me that the 8 year old has been classified as "gifted" and will be eligible for enrichment programs through the school district, either in her own local school or at another school if they choose.  Neither of us having had the benefit of such gifted  programs when we were in school, he and I agreed that this is a wonderful opportunity for a bright child.

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