Week 36.

Time goes so fast that it feels like I was posting just yesterday the last picture..

On Monday I was working. Before work we went to the same familycafe as last week, this time Otto was with us. After it we drive by of one field which had sunflowers growing. We stopped there because I wanted to take pictures but I got only few pictures.
When I was at work, boys went to swim first time without me. They had fun I heard.

Tuesday was a normal day.. :)

On Wednesday we went to another familycafe but this time it was in outdoor. My son played with toys and with other children. We also went to library to borrow books for the first time. At home my son didn't want to read them and hasn't once read them.. Not long time ago he didn't do anything else than 'read' the books but now he's not that interested of them anymore.

On Thursday morning we had our first colour bath. I think my son liked it. It was not as fun ad I imagined but we'll see how it turns to be, we have still five more times it.

Friday I finally had a time booked for the hairdresser. My hair has been so awful for the whole summer.... Now it's pink and bright!
In the evening I went with my son to another field, one next to our house, where is sunflowers growing. I wanted to take pictures of him in the field. But all my pictures includes now ladybird because they were so interesting in my sons opinion. He has been scarred of many insecs because he fear bumblebees alot, so the other tiny creatures reminds he of them, I guess. But now he was really brave and let the bug walk on his hand and shirt etc. <3

On Friday we went to kids indoor activity park at Vantaa. We had nice couple of hours there. Before we left I said to my son that I will buy him a tiny toy. He looked at the toys (there were about maaaany from to choose) and immediately he saw the ladybird he tooked it from the shelve and showed the point where the ladybird yesterday was walking on his hand... He was so cute when he did it! <3

Today, on Sunday, I was working from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Boys went to dog show here in Porvoo and I heard our son was really excited to see so many dogs.

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