Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

It rained today!

We had a good 30 minute rain today. Happy for my grass and what flowers are blooming. Then the sun came back out and boom...It was hot again.

Our governor has called for mandatory evacuation of the towns at the coast due to the threat of devastation from Hurricane Florence. This storm is heading straight toward North and South Carolina. Usually the hurricanes travel at an angle before heading inland but this storm is not. It is expected to hit the coast about 2 hours..150 miles or so from where I live. We are fairly safe from any flooding but the wind will reach us. Power outages are for certain.

I am heading to the library tomorrow to stock up on books.

We are not expecting any of this storm until late Wednesday and all day Thursday. Glad for the rain because we need it but really don't want a major storm. Hoping people used common sense and make plans to be safely away from the worst part.

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