Blue line abstract

It was either this or the lawn edgings.  I liked the plastic bag, blue seal abstract look of the oven shelf cleaning chemical containing big plastic bag.

I was supposed to be writing a talk today, but I kept finding alternative occupations like trying to get Mom up, riding my newly repaired bike (Repair not successful - sad), moving furniture to make it better for the TV viewing, washing, changing the bed, edging the lawn (one side) and then, finally, feeling like writing!  Delaying tactics.

We had a look at Amazon Video on Prime this morning in order to compare it with Netflix.  Jury is still out.  Netflix seems better at the moment but maybe that's familiarity.  Anyone out there got any opinions?

I might organise a Blipmeet at the Tate to see the Burne-Jones exhibition possibly w/c 19 Nov if anyone is interested...

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