
Today consisted of the 08:40 train to Edinburgh, followed by the 10:13 from there to Lockerbie.

After a meeting and lunch it was the 14:31 back to Edinburgh. There I had a wee dash out to Morningside and back by taxi and bus (bus was quicker) to pick up something from another client. The last leg was the 16:34 from Edinburgh back to the Centre of the Universe. 

All my trains were on time, give or take a minute or two. 

The day’s highlights? 

Lunch at the 17th century King’s Arms Hotel in Lockerbie - steak pie. Good Scottish home cooking. 

Also seeing the client’s gallery in Edinburgh - I did a management buyout for her which took almost a year of patient negotiation, but I didn’t get to see the business while all that was going on as it would have alerted the staff to something unusual. 

Getting home and putting my feet up was another. I’m glad the weekend is finally here. 

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