
The leaf fall in the wind and rain suggests that autumn has arrived along with the new wave of students, but a temperature of 17° is a bit of a surprise, although a nice one.

The new students are swarming like bees around the cafés in the neighbourhood. I try to remember how I felt when I was a new student albeit so long ago that most of the people I knew in Edinburgh lived at home and existed on a means tested pittance of a grant which didn’t allow for many coffees; but even then, part time work to pay for accommodation was not common if it happened at all.

Should the ordinary citizen want to go to one of those cafés which abound in the University area for a leisurely coffee, he or she will be confronted by all the tables filled by one or two students with a pile of books and their laptops, an empty cup with the dregs of a very cold coffee lying at the side. It seems that they confuse the cafés with the university library. I, being an old whingeing lady past her sell by date, find it absolutely infuriating, but am not bold enough to complain.

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