If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Solace Day 12. Fungi.

Having moored for the night between Adderly Locks and the Audlem flight our first activity for the day was going down the 15 Audlem locks.  On the way up I had noticed this little group of fungi growing on some woodwork right close up against where the lock gates meet the stone work.  It crossed my mind "they would make a blip" rapidly followed by "they will have been stood on by the time we are coming back".

I don't normally carry a camera while working the locks, there is so much body and arm movement I find them a bit of a liability.   However today I decided to carry the camera for at least some of the 15 locks.  BY pure coincidence/luck I had it when I discovered the fungi hadn't been destroyed as I expected.

My mycological knowledge/skills means that I haven't a clue what they might be.  The fact they had survived and I was carrying the camera is what makes them today's blip.

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