Old age

This is a close up of a spot/skin tag that I have just developed on my face.

I've got a few funny little spots/skin tags on various parts of my body. I've got two or three on my head and behind my ears. Every time Ann tickles me behind my ears (which is my favourite place to be tickled), she says, 'Molly, you've got a little spot there.'

Ann has spoken to my very lovely vet, Jonathan, about all my spots and he says that there is nothing to worry about. He says it's just an age thing. But......................... Joanathan hasn't seen this spot. 

At first Ann thought it was a tick and she was going to use her 'tick twister' to remove it. But it's not a tick. It's a spot/skin tag.

Anyway, we are heading back up to Edinburgh in a couple of weeks and before we go; Ann is going to get me checked over by Jonathan. To be honest, I know I'm getting old but I didn't know that I had spot/skin tags until Ann told me.

They don't bother me at all!

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