Missing a Name

Having gone a bit berserk on the lavender with the pruning shears last week, the beautiful autumn day excited more horticultural madness on my part when I decided the Hydrangea Petiolaris was about to take over one of the windows of the Dower House. A few ruthless chops and its climbing abilities were stopped in their tracks.

I then turned to the bush I planted at the opposite side of the house which was reaching out to impede our progress to the path and was about to give it a short back and sides as well when I noticed there were grape like fruits hidden under the dark purple leaves and some of the hidden leaves had turned a beguiling shade of red. It was given a reprieve, but I would love to know what the bush is called. It is a vine of some sort but perhaps one of you horticulturists can enlighten me.

It was such a lovely day that His Lordship and I could actually sit outside and absorb some sunny rays full of incipient vitamin D. It is a crime to sit indoors on a day like this, so I’m off out to walk in the sun after lunch.

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