
We were expecting gale force winds and rain today so we had already decided not to do the Sheffield Urban Race......and it's been the loveliest day for a while!  The local pub was due to hold a Children's Fun Day for charity and they had cancelled it due to the forecast....

So what did we do instead?  We had a leisurely get up and I put a couple of loads of washing in, including the summer quilt which is now going away under the bed.  I must admit it was very snuggly to wrap the winter one around me last night on what was the first very chilly, starry night of the season.  I like the weight of a winter quilt, especially after we'd had to open all of the windows to stop the smoke alarms going off on all three floors!  It seems the first firing of the woodburning stove cures the paintwork so the unpleasant smell caught in our throats and set off the alarms!

Next job was to stew the windfalls from the cooker tree, apple pies to look forward to!  Tony tidied up an overgrown corner of the patio 'lawn' for me and we decided to plant some spring bulbs, which meant a trip to the garden centre and then it was time to sort the chicken roast and yorkshire puddings.  In between times I strung some monkey nuts and secured them with a large wooden bead from my twiddlemuffs box.  I had barely looked away and the whole thing was gone, bead too!  The one in my blip is my second effort, this time held down with quite a substantial wooden reel.  I had 20 minutes to spare in dinner preparation so sat behind the camera and waited.  Would you believe he managed to take the whole lot again in one go, reel and all?!  How he took it up the high wall in to his tree in our neighbour's garden I have no idea!  Then he was back just minutes later looking through the door expecting more...

The final episode of Bodyguard tonight, so better get my commenting done!

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