Getting back together

After all the hard work that my Church family did for my yesterday, cleaning up my yard I had to start putting things back out like they should and work at getting back to normal.

I began by changing out the flowers that were in the milk can and giving it a more autumn look.

The wall art is back up on the back porch but not before being thoroughly cleaned Even all the bits and bobs I have hanging I gave a good cleaning to.

The cats are probably confused as I cleaned their blue cubes.

The bird feeder almost always has a bird or two at it as it seems like the birds have no other sources right now. I do know the hummingbirds are at their feeder often as there are no blooms for them to drink from.

When Kent got home from work I carried the two mum plants outside and placed them on the grass while we decided where to plant them. As they sat there, dragonflies and butterflies were landing on them. They seemed so happy to have some blooms to get some sips from.

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