Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

In perspective

The Girl Racer had a bit of a bad drive back from her Aunt’s this evening and came through the door with a few choice Anglo Saxon words about motorway drivers. A bowl of TSM’s pasta soup and one of my home made vegan sausage rolls sorted her out and put her back in a good place. Traffic aside her and her brother and K had a lovely time in Oxford and she and K now have a couple of days to chill out and do what they want.

We had a domestic day after our week of partying and celebrating. The weather was actually lovely and I spent an hour outside sorting out front garden stuff and chatting to neighbours.

The last week has been astonishing. I can’t honestly remember a time in my life when I’ve been happier. Days that I shall treasure and keep.

Five working days now before we go to Israel and a nice weekend in the middle before TGR and K go back to Canada. Good times still to come.

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