A wee treat

MrsCyclops gave me these lovely dark chocolate pieces for Christmas, and I've brought them with me to have as wee treats. They are gorgeous, and taste even more so given that I'm generally trying to eat healthily and not snack between meals. I've not had a proper dessert in nearly 4 weeks now. I've given up fizzy drinks and caffine too, and I'm eating lots of salads. I'm going to the gym and I definitely feel a wee bit fitter than when I started. Still, everyone needs a wee treat from time to time - at least that's what I'm telling myself.

I'm shattered. I've fitted a lot into today including booking hotels for our Florida trip in March, and doing most of the reading and pre-work for 2 days so I can go to an event on valuing businesses for investment purposes tomorrow evening. The last bit of reading was a 32 page loan agreement and set of accounts we had tounderstand - which I've just about done. I'll go through it again and make notes tomorrow...

Sorry to my good friend why who joined blip nearly a month ago without me even noticing - I'm loving the journal! Sorry I'm still being rubbish at commenting too.

Right, I'm off to enjoy my chocolate!

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