The Denis Sullivan

"The world's only re-creation of a 19th century Great Lakes Schooner." While it looks and functions, when it's sails are all unfurled, exactly like the tall ships from the 19th century, it also has two diesel engines, a scientific laboratory, two computer workstations, and modern communication and navigation equipment. It's purpose is marine life and water education on the Great Lakes. 
Tom finished this round of chemo today, and when we left the hospital we took Wisconsin Avenue East, right through the middle of the city and over to the Lake so I could look for a blip. The weather is cold, windy and rainy today, but there were still lots of sailboats out. The only problem was that everything was parked up, so I parked (illegally) in the turn around area, left the car running with Tom in it, and ran out on the walkway to catch the boats. Then off to my right I saw the Denis Sullivan making it's way out of the harbor, so I walked that way instead. I kept hoping they'd put more of the sails up, as I've only seen it under full sail twice, and both times I wasn't in a place where I could get a picture of it.  I'm thinking, though, that  they don't do that until they're well past the barriers of the harbor and out on open water, but unfortunately with the car being parked in a bad spot, I was afraid I'd get ticketed if I didn't get a move on it.  I'm feeling better--my cold is pretty much gone and I finally had a good nights' sleep, so I'm going to turn my comments back on. Thank you all so much for the stars and favs you left while my comments were off. I really appreciate it! :))

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