Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Royalty of another sort

At first glance, I thought I was seeing a worn Monarch in the asters...but a moment later I noticed the fine black line running parallel to the hind-wing...a Viceroy!   I can only remember seeing one of these in my garden once before and it was a number of years ago.  In fact, I don't see them very often anywhere near here, so it was doubly nice to have this one nectaring in the garden.  He/she was going back and forth between the asters and the buddleia, drinking his fill.  Lovely creature.

And taking full advantage of the spent flowers in the garden was a charm of goldfinches, busy eating the seeds from the echinacea.  Click HERE to view on Flickr  

Kura, Ellen and I had a wonderful visit last night with many shared memories and laughs, some good wine, some Mexican Train dominoes and a delicious dinner followed by freshly baked apple crisp.  Kura and I continued the fun this morning before she boarded her bus back to the City.  I do so love my time with the girls.

Monarch #206 was released today.  Kura sent her on her way in memory of a special friend.  Five more ready to eclose.  The season is winding down...

Hoping everyone had a wonderful weekend.


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