Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Mono Monday - Relax

I can't think of a better image for today.  This is Hubs doing something he rarely has time for these days - relaxing with a fishing pole in hand. And while he happily cast with a rod that his parents gave him some 40 hears ago, I pottered around with my camera which was equally relaxing.  So, it's basically a double-relaxing photo.  And how perfect that the MonoMonday theme today is "relax".  

We are having a wonderful getaway which included a walk through the woods and around the 60 acre lake this morning, followed by some ... relaxing.  We had thought we'd rent kayaks but it is quite chilly out and rather gloomy so we decided to stay ashore instead.  

After this trip, we'll be getting the RV winterized and "put to bed" for the season.  Going to miss our little adventures, but before you know it, spring will be here and we'll be on the road again.  I hope.  

Thanks to Nickmags888 for hosting, and for a perfect theme for today.


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