
No one who knows me would describe me as a fashionista (!) but friends do know about my love of fleeces and buffs (other producers of neckwear are available!)

Buffs are a bit of a thing for me!  They are like photographs in that they remind me of special times and people.  I have buffs from orienteering events; posh buffs from pals trying to smarten me up; complimentary buffs; my Club buff; buffs from Sweden and the USA and Patagonia; my Yorkshire buff and the one nearest to camera is the one which took some serious wrangling to obtain!  It is the Three Peaks of Yorkshire buff which you can only have if you have done the walk and can prove it.  We've done it a couple of times but quite some years ago, so when I spotted the buff in the cafe shop I had to have it!  Unfortunately, earlier records of walkers had been stored on paper and were difficult to access.  The official chappy was unhappy about allowing me to purchase a buff without proof of my achievement (!) so I had to promise to search for my certificate and cloth badge when I reached home and send him the evidence!  I dug out the old family scrapbooks and there they were, so I guess you could say that is one very special buff in my collection.

As a postscript, we have just watched the shocking programme about plastic in our seas and I am very aware about the synthetic materials used in our outdoor clothing, including my fleeces and buffs.   We have a wash bag which captures the fibres, but perhaps it's time to rethink my wardrobe.

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