Green Tea and Roses

Would you drink this Flowering Osmanthus green tea from China? No? Me neither!
Another rush of blood to my head saw me removing all the clutter from the kitchen tops to clean behind things which have happily co-existed for many a year in the same spot. That’s when I finally opened the sachet containing hand tied green tea leaves in the shape of small balls which, when immersed in boiling water unfurl into flowers to give an evil looking concoction which is meant to be drinkable, except not by me.

This deep cleaning is a worrying phenomenon. Perhaps it’s the lovely sunshine pouring through the newly cleaned windows that provokes me into action. There has been a determined binning of the contents of a bowl containing old biros which no longer work, a large number of small blunt pencils used for writing shopping lists, wine corks, and perished elastic bands which were stuck immovably to the rest of the contents, all now in the bin and giving me the feel good factor of having got rid of clutter.

Just as I finished writing this, the bell went and standing on the doorstep was the postie with a slim rectangular box which weighed nothing and had printed on it ‘flowers through the letter box’. And indeed inside there they were, the beautiful bunch of flowers in my extra image.
They are now safely transferred into my best crystal vase on the window sill- the cleaned one of last week’s blip fame. Thank you Sue and Mike. You know who you are. His Lordship and I appreciate your thoughts and kind gesture so much.

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