When I popped into town on Monday afternoon, having already done my Blip for the day, I spotted some wonderful Doc Marten boots in Schuh. I took a photograph but bearing in mind the ethos of Blip that a photograph must be taken ON the day it is uploaded, I decided I would go into town again today. 

I left Mr HCB digging then walked to a bus stop that was about twenty minutes away to get some steps in and I’m pleased to say I have done over 8,000 today.

When I went into Schuh, I was delighted to see a young lady assistant named Heidi with pink hair - see my extra - and she was kind enough to let me take a photograph of her. I explained about Blip and Breast Cancer Awareness Month then she told me that sadly her Nan had had breast cancer and had died about four years ago so she was happy to do anything she could to help. 

I then asked her about the Doc Marten boots and the fact that I had taken a photograph on Monday, then said I wanted to ask a HUGE favour - because although I could just take a photograph of the boots on the shelf, I thought they would look much better if I was wearing them!!  She said that she agreed and promptly got the box containing one very shiny pink boot in my size from the stock room and then got the other one off the shelf!  WHAT A STAR!!  

I put the boots on - preferring to take the photograph myself - rather than being in the photograph although Heidi did offer to take one of me wearing the boots! 

After I had “done the deed”, I apologised to a lady and her daughter just behind me for taking so much of Heidi’s time - and she was fine about it.  The lady was wearing a bright pink jumper so I took the opportunity to say she fitted in well with my theme for BCAM. I found out her name was Kathy and her daughter's was Eleanor;  Kathy then told me that one of her friends, who was only 48 years old had passed away a few months ago after being diagnosed with breast cancer and she, with her friend’s family, had been there to provide her “end of life” care. She said it was so tragic and had affected her deeply.  I did ask her permission to mention this and she said that was fine as we need to “get the word out” so that particularly women do monthly breast examinations and have regular mammograms. 

I cannot express my thanks enough to Heidi and also to Kathy for being willing to take part in BCAM. Heidi said as I was leaving that if there was anything else she could do, or if I just wanted to pop into the shop for a chat, then I would be very welcome! I happened to have one of my wooden pink hearts in my purse, so gave her one to bless her and for being so willing to help. 

Please join me during 
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
By clicking here
So that those who are not able to pay
Can have a free mammogram. 

“Each day comes
     bearing its own gifts.
          Untie the ribbons.”
Ruth Ann Schabacker

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