Pretty in Pink

This morning I tackled the chair and basket which serve as homes for all our clean laundry and piles of too big/too small clothes which seem to get dumped there.
As is always the way with these jobs that you leave and leave, it only took about ten minutes to sort it out, fold it into piles and put into the various chests of drawers, wardrobes, charity shop and eBay bags.
Miss L thought it was fab messing up the piles and playing with all the clothes helping me.
The full glory of her finished outfit can be seen here!
This afternoon it was back to the hospital for another go at getting blood out of Miss L. Papa came with me for moral support and to hold her as tightly as she needed to be held.
It was just as awful as last week and the first attempt was a failure. She screamed while they dug and poked around in her hand. Apparently she has no veins!
The cavalry arrived in the shape of the Paediatric Consultant!
Taking bloods is probably a bit beneath her now but she got the job done. From the wrist, ouch!
If I never have to do that again it'll be too soon.

Thank you for all the comments yesterday on my 500th Blip. You're a lovely lot!

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