
By Transitoire


Not much to tell about today. Been told some things that I'm still reeling from, and not really in a good enough mood to talk. My day was spent trying to gather some semblance of research for my first essay due for university at home. This song almost sums up today.

The highlight of my day was seeing my new friend Dana at Café Latin for a drink or two. As another German, of course she spoke English as well, but I was very proud of the fact that we didn't speak any English for the entire evening! Rather hilarious moment when the serveuse misheard Dana's order for Embuscade as Dana said, Muscat was cheaper so she wasn't going to complain! I think both of us felt rather foreign then, even though we spent the evening speaking in French. Was really interesting to get to know her better and compare our different experiences of Caen so far. Dana was one of the new people that I have only just met, last night at the Apparta'thon to be exact. She and I originally ended up speaking because the rest of our group seemed to be Spanish and spoke so and we were the lone people of our nationalities! I am so lucky that I live in a University City that has such an active ERASMUS group...sometimes I forget just how hard it would be to meet new people without such a society.

Sorry to not be more upbeat, things aren't bad; I think I'm just tired.

Words I learnt today:-
- Prohibited - interdire
- Settings - paramètres
- Light - lumière
- Dark - foncé

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