Salmon or Trout....

I went over to one of the parks this morning and couldn't believe how many cars and trucks were parked along the road, and how many men were standing on the banks of the river/stream fishing. Most of them were on the other side of the road from where I was standing, but when a  couple of guys walked past me, I asked what they were fishing for. "Salmon or trout" was the answer.  I did see one man pulling in a large fish, but he was too far away for a decent picture & I have no clue what kind of fish it was. I have 2 fishermen in my picture, and to be honest, the one on the left was, I felt, of the "creeper" variety! He wasn't actually fishing, but stood there for an abnormally long time with his pole held out as if he was. I couldn't decide at first if he didn't want his picture taken (because he kept looking at me, then looking away), or if he wanted to see if the other guy was catching something. But then he started shooting these furtive glances back behind him, & I just found it creepy!  This is one of my favorite spots in the park, where the stream curves up and around, so I don't like it spoiled by creepiness. I took a couple of shots and left. When I got home, Tom said his sister and brother-in-law were in town and were coming over for a visit. About 15 minutes after they arrived, Tom's brother came walking in. Within an hour his other two sisters showed up, which was all such a pleasant surprise! They stayed for several hours, talking & laughing about when they were growing up and all the "trouble" they got into! Made me feel like a Saint, as I never would even have THOUGHT of half the things they did, let alone actually do them! Haha!  We had such a great time, & we wished they could have stayed longer!!    Except for "creepy man", it was a nice day, especially since it DID rain, so darn, I had to postpone the lawn mowing!  :))))

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