Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

And another thing...!

(Purple Finch - right) - I've traveled quite a long ways to enjoy this buffet, so move aside
House Finch - left) - Jeez, no need to get all up in my face, dude
PF:  I brought my whole family here and all your group can do is make all kinds of noise and throw food around.  We want to EAT!
HF:  Okay, okay, I'll move (and flies off)

I took four shots this morning, all fired in a burst, with this being the favorite as it captures an unusual display of aggression on the part of the Purple Finch male.  In my observations, it is usually the House Finches that are more aggressive, but I guess this guy was hungry and cranky.

When I first started feeding and watching birds here, I would always send a birder friend of mine photos of male house finches and ask if they were purple finches.  He'd always reply "no, when you see a purple finch you'll just know".  And he was right.  I'm not sure how much you can tell from this photo, but purple finches have a wash of cranberry color that extends all the way down their belly and a stockier build than the more mundane house finch.  Female PF have very strong facial markings which are lacking in the female HF.  

There were actually 7 purple finches in the garden when I looked out which is the highest number I've seen in several years.  Making me wonder if it will be an irruptive year for winter finches...  

Hubs and I are off to visit friends down at the New Jersey shore, so wanted to get my blip done early.  


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