Autumn Colours

It was Thornbury U3A Photographic today and we reviewed the images that had been chosen for the Tom Crowe Challenge - an inter camera club competition.  we are only allowed  8 photographers and eight images in five categories - Creative Humour, Portrait, Landscape and open - I got one of mine in creative and KG got one of his in open but had humour and creative as well - but it is the best fit for the subjects  that decides the placement - we will get the results in January as all the club entries go away to be judged.
After lunch I went out early to find a blip and the leaves falling from the viburnum attracted my attention - brought them inside and faffed a bit.
Good news - the quilt top, wadding and backing are now together - whew that's a relief - just got the other one to do now but at least i know the way forward.
It was another warm day  

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