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There’s no-one sitting sun worshipping in the Meadows today. It’s a gloomy day although just as mild. It’s amazing how a touch of sunshine can lift the spirits.

I had a pre crowd dash into town this morning only to find my short cut down the Playfair steps, missing out the Mound, had been boarded off. They are not only a short cut, but a useful personal workout when carrying shopping home from town. I will miss them. They are closed off for the duration of work to extend the Art Galleries.

Despite the darkening sky and the horrible weather forecast for tonight and tomorrow, I managed a walk this afternoon without a drop of rain or a ruffling of hair. There was even a parting of the clouds and a shaft of sunlight at one point to speed me on my way, but we are battening down the hatches tonight to keep Callum at bay.

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