Binary code date :-)
But in actuality it doesn't mean anything.
"Error: Malformed binary. Your binary code is must be divisible by 8."
If I double it 11101110 it's "î", so the whole date is Jibberish in binary.

What have I done today.... hmm....

Took the doggos out. Had some breakfast. Went grocery shopping. Went for a morning swim. No squids luckily, but the waves were quite strong occacionally and I was alone at the beach, so that felt scary and I came back quickly. Went to have a chat with Jennifer. Came home to make some coffee. Sewed a dress. Made lunch. Took the doggos out again. Went to bank as moral support because there was an issue that needed to be sorted. Went to grocery store again to pick up some forgotten items. Came home and sewed another dress. Went to Clot to look at the bird pond but there was no action there. Came home. Watched a little "The Good place". Took the doggos out for their last walk of the day. Now constructing my blip and next brushing the trios teeth, then wash my hair and teeth and go to bed.

I really love my new dress. I think it's fab!
Here: https://www.instagram.com/p/Boy0Afdhy6f/?taken-by=vhgalacant

And I will wear it tomorrow for friend's coffee with girls gathering.

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