Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


Fall arrived with a bang today with winds gusting to 25 MPH and temps never out of the 50's.  Not an ideal day for outdoor photography.  But then I remembered that today is FlowerFriday (thanks to BikerBear/Anni) and since I haven't done a flower for quite some time...

I went out to the garden and plucked one of the Montauk Daisies (making certain first that there were no little predators hiding in the petals) and popped it into my soft box.  Then set up the lights and tripod and took 9 images that I staked in Helicon.  I could have/should have taken about 25 images to get perfect front-to-back focus, but didn't have the patience.  I'm putting an iphone shot of my set up in Extra for those who might be interested.

Today's blip is for someone special who is going through a tough time right now.  I hope this will make her smile.

And now, off to do some chores...


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