Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

#43, with much to say

I've been seeing Ruby-crowned Kinglets around the yard the last few days, but like all kinglets, they are extremely flitty and somewhat difficult to photograph.   This morning I got lucky when a small group (3, maybe 4) were flitting around one of the pines next to the deck.  This one came out in the open for long enough to get some decent shots, the bonus being catching it with beak wide open.  Contrary to what this photo might suggest, they don't make much noise at all, just some soft de-dinks.  

Traveling with the kinglets were several yellow-rumps and one silent song sparrow.  Very nice way to spend a little time this morning.  

I made the mistake of reading the news online over tea - I'm more convinced every day that I'm living in a country run by lunatics.  I finally had to stop reading and go outside and deal with the mulch.  Nothing like some good hard labor to get the stink of politics out of the air!  As I was working, two rather adorable Carolina Wrens showed up and one of them immediatley began rattling at me.  He had much to say and at a significantly higher volume than the kinglets!

Goign to try to move the rest of the mulch around this afternoon.  Needs to get done.  Wish I had servants.  


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