
We've acquired a few new gadgets toys for our new kitchen. One of them is a smoothie maker, which I've lusted after for years and years, but in the old kitchen there was literally nowhere to store one. They arrived in the week, and I've had a couple of goes making smoothies with some fruit from the fridge. Much more experimentation to come in the future.

We've had an incredibly lazy day, hanging around at home. But then, the last five weeks since we came back from Singapore have been a bit über busy, at least for me, so it was useful to have some time at home doing some catching up, some necessary bits of admin, and so on. The weather was hardly propitious for going out either. Now we are having a marathon rugby watchathon. It happens sometimes. And we were supposed to be out today, but sometimes your putative hosts have other things on their minds.

Tomorrow, though, we are off again, so the laziness can't carry on.

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