If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Nighttime in the garden.

To night the conditions were perfect for my BTO Calling Tawny Owls survey, calm, dry and clear.   So out I went to spend twenty minutes indulging in some citizen science.  An easy survey, spend 20 minutes listening for the owls once a week for as many weeks as you can between the end of September & March.

Rather than just stand/sit there listening I took the tripod and camera out with me.  I spend well over the twenty minutes in the garden trying shots of this "Truro Jar" (Solar powered) and "painting" items with light from the torch.

During my 20 minutes of the survey I heard both calls.  The tewit contact call most commonly given by the female and the whooooo given by the male.  Put the two together and you get the classic Twooowit towhooo.  Or as Tony Wharburton (a pioneers of Barn Owl conservation put it:   The male calling "where are yoooooooo" and the female answering "I'm over here you twit"

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