A little history.

Retrospective Alternative:-
"As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "

Another which wouldn't work as 2 photos 6 weeks apart Whizzing between for comparison.
I went for the ceremonial "Lowering of the lugs" (A hair cut tends to bring the ears back into sight ;¬) whence cometh the expression)
Last time I was not-here, we reckoned they'd be in their new premises before my next visit - and they were.
The tale is thus:-
I started going "here" when here was next door and el Supremo was one Harry Gladman, in 1978(ish). I'm not 100% sure I went there 1st, but can't remember being a regular elsewhere.
Harry eventually retired, or died, or both, but unsure of the order of his passing. (Can not remember if he "died in harness") I continued with Alan until he retired. 
Again - I'm not 100% sure, but I think his partner's health may have been a contributory factor; unless Alan was the best kept 65 year old I've seen in many a decade.
Alan was superseded by Signore Murtas, who eventually built the one man operation up to 3.
During/after today's lug-lowering I discovered that the shop they moved into, was actually a move back to.
I reserve the right to update/edit this as/when I've filled the gaps.
It seems the then incumbent moved next door in 1978, the year we moved to Penrith.
It was "leased", so Sig. Murtas decided he'd rather own than lease/rent. This became available so he leapt.
IF I correctly understood the tale the basins (but not the taps) moved next door and are now back "home" as it were.
It must run in the family - Alice's last hair-dresser was either daughter, or D in Law to Sig. Murtas.

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