Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Serendipity - Yardbird #54

It was serendipitous that I even saw this little bird, let alone got a photo.  I had gone out to hang a feeder on the deck this morning when I spotted this rather drab bird in a nearby tree.  I knew immediately that it was a Pine Siskin, the first I've seen here in several years, so I carefully crept back into the house to grab the camera.  More creeping, and I was back in position to get a few shots before it flew.  And that was the last I saw of it.  Serendipity indeed.

A bit nicer today, although not warm enough for any pollinators.  It was, however, perfect weather for the hide.  I popped it up on the patio and spent a couple of hours inside, watching and photographing birds, chipmunks and squirrels.  Top count of Purple Finches was 19.  Top count of chippies on the patio at the same time - 6.  Number of chipmunk brawls - I lost count at a dozen.  They are in a full frenzy now, trying to make sure their larders are full for winter.  You can have a look at Stumpy, the short-tailed chippie HERE on Flickr, and I'll put a very mediocre shot of two chipmunks finishing a brawl in Extra, captioned "And don't come back!"

I'm still keeping an eye out for the coveted Evening Grosbeak - at least two have been seen in the County...


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