A Tiny Mummy...

....in the spirit of Halloween.
I don't know if hiding rocks after they're painted is a "thing" where any of you are at, but it's become pretty common here in the Midwest. Children love going for walks and finding painted rocks along the paths, tucked in a tree, under a bush, on the beach, etc. Sometimes they're characters, like this mummy, and sometimes they have an inspirational word or verse on them. I've found a few on my walks. The idea is that it's an act of kindness to put them out, and when you find one you can enjoy it for awhile, then re-hide it for someone else to find. I thought the twins would enjoy trying it when they visited, so I'd gotten some paint and picked up some rocks from the beach, and we all had fun painting. I can't draw worth a darn, but I could certainly do "dot"  eyes and some zig-zaggety lines for the mummy wrap.....tho' I can't take credit for the design.....I saw it on pinterest. I'll take it with me on my walk later today and leave it along the sidewalk.
Thanks to WalkingWombat for hosting TinyTuesday this week!  :))

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