Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Of Hazel and Medlars

Not really gone out at all today as rather a lot of time has been taken up by Princess Hazel.  And the sun's been out today so very unlike me.  However, I did scrump these medlars a couple of days ago as I thought they might make an interesting still life.  The skin colour reminds me of old-fashioned well-polished brogues.  I have since cut one open and the fruit is like the creamy inside of an apple, but you don't use them until it's gone brown and squashy.  They used to be made into jelly, or 'cheese' (a half jam/half jelly conserve).

Yes, meanwhile, Hazel.  Thank you so much for all your kind words, I think she is a little better by late this afternoon.  She has at last (just) decided it's safe to pee and is meanwhile enjoying her little saucers of chicken/scrambled egg/milk.  It's a dog's life!

Talking of which, did you know Shakespeare called medlars the 'open-arsed' fruit, and the French call them dogs' bottoms.  How very rude!!

Right, that's more than enough from me!!  Have a fab Friday evening, and yey hey for the weekend  xx

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