
By Veronica

Artist at work

It's the annual Artistes en Campagne collective exhibition this weekend, third edition. It's working pretty well, with more artists and an extra village, making eight villages and 26 artists altogether, counting those hosted by others. We made it to three villages, including Ribaute where it was good to see Christopher (previously seen here), who's just back from a long absence in the US. This is an atypical work. Though actually he has some radically different styles, so it's difficult to say what is typical.

Our final visit was to Serge Griggio in Moux. He has a large studio in a former cafe. I made the mistake of telling him that Ingrid had lots of empty white walls, and he started dragging out bigger and bigger canvases to show her. He had stacks of them overflowing into a neighbour's garage. We did really like some of them, but none of us had a spare 1000 euros. "You can pay in instalments!" he called, pursuing us down the road.

Back home we called in to see Pamphyle in his studio. He and M have had a difficult summer dealing with illnesses in the family, so it was good to see them again too. Slightly random small album of the day here. I might add to it later.

It was a fine day, but the forecast is not good ... temperature now dropping rapidly, fire officially lit!

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