‘Couldn’t you have found me...

...a top hat?’ asked Popeye.

If you are eating, then don’t read the next bit until after.

In the night was beautiful clear skies and the garden looked like day time. So I got my iPad and took some photos...see extra...and iPad always makes the moon a full moon.

When I came back in the bungalow Popeye came towards me. Suddenly a place above his right eye erupted and projected the most foul smelling pus. I don’t know how my stomach contents stayed where they were.

I got him in the kitchen, boiled some water, put some salt in it and was bathing that area for a long while until I was sure nothing else was coming out.

There was a hole there, like a wood worm hole.

I was bathing it on and off the rest of the night. Curiously Popeye was purring all the way through me doing this.

I got him to the vet first thing. It had been an abscess. Popeye has had an injection and will have another in a few days. There had been no visible swelling. He does have a plastic collar to wear, but he made it very clear to the vet he had no intention of wearing it.

So, I have the collar, but I don’t want to stress him any further given his age. So, it looks like me on 24 hour watch the next couple of days, me bathing that area if he shows interest in it.

So this blip is Popeye on my lap cleaning himself. Obviously his bad side is facing the camera so I was looking for a bow or something to cover it. All I could find was a bonnet emojie...

I am very tired and am going to fall asleep now while Popeye is asleep.

I will catch up with comments and blogs later.

Thank you for all your love.
Take care x

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