
By Madchickenwoman

Another day Another Wood!

Back to Cadsonbury for a walk along the River Lynher. It just looked so gorgeous on this sunny autumn day. We met up with a lady and her 3 dogs, an elderly border terrier and Labrador and a lively young collie. Oscar made for the small terrier! Unfortunately she did not want to play but Oscar thought her growling was a signal to play! Meanwhile the collie ran off with his ball! 
The Exile was to have come for dinner but she had an online tutorial - the previous nights session had a technical fail! I decided to have my main meal at lunchtime as my system was still in uproar and needed feeding! Come 5.30 I got a message from her asking was it too late to come as there had been another technical fail! So  I said come on down! Luckily I had made 3 separate portions of the leek, potato and goats cheese gratin and still had some ratatouille to go with it! She was dismayed to realise I was not eating as I knew she would be and wouldn't have come if I'd told her! We then caught up on two more episodes of Dark Earth Rising - both of us still totally confused! Oscar and I walked her home and he had a romp in her garden as we had a cup of tea! Then I left her to do the rearranged tutorial at 11.30 - her bedtime is usually about 10 so I'm thinking it will be a bit of a trial for her to say focused, if even awake! 

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