Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Station, Stationary

Nepean today. Again. I think I've been there every single Tuesday for the last couple of months. It's getting a bit wearing, to be honest. At least today was enjoyable: a refresher course on ECT. 'Twas interesting and stimulating (hah!) despite my painful upper back/shoulder - due to the lad Occupying our bed the other night - which had me actually feeling slightly spacey and fatigued for much of the day. Pain is weird.

I snapped a few shots at Pemrif station. While I think I got some good shots of the kids after I got home, I decided (mrs tsuken and I decided) to go with this. It's quite a different sort of photo for me: including other random people, taken in public. O_õ

Here it is largerer.

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